What is home mode?

Home mode allows the Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation to boil and be ready for your return home.

When enabled home mode takes your location and sets a 200-meter radius around the location.

When you enter this radius between the time period set home mode will trigger.

If you have auto-boil selected the Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation will automatically brew to the setting, so you have coffee brewing for when you walk through the door.

Currently, you can not change the radius for home mode this is a 200-meter radius around your location when you set home mode.

Home mode functions explained:

Active between: This enables you to select the hours you would like Home mode to be activated. For example, if you would like a coffee waiting for you when you return home from work, you can select Home mode to be active between 17:00- 18:00.

Active on: This enables you to select which days of the week you would like Home mode to be activated. For example,  if you would like a coffee waiting for you when you return home from work, you can select Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Auto-brew: Auto-brew can be turned on so the coffee machine will automatically brew when home mode is triggered. Do not enable this if you wish the app to ask you if you would like to turn the coffee machine on.



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