What is the difference between the Smarter Coffee - 1st Generation and Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation?

The Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation is our best Coffee machine yet! We have made major improvements to the setup, connection and the quality of the coffee it produces.

The Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation uses simple and secure pairing with BlinkUp allowing you to connect in a flash!

With the Smarter Coffee - 1st Generation your device required to be connected to the WIFI network the kettle was set up with in order to use the app.

Now with the Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation you can use the app with any internet connection anywhere! This means you can be on the train home and brew coffee using 3g/4g.

The iKettle Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation is also integrated with Amazon Alexa and IFTTT so you can connect your Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation to other smart home devices.  

We have kept the same sleek design as the Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation, with one small logo change.


If you need to get in touch, Smarter Support is open Monday to Friday 9am - 5:00pm GMT and can be contacted via the 'Contact Us' section on our website by clicking the following link: Contact Us

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  • 1
    Michael Brochonski


    I want to use my Smarter Coffee 2nd generation in a local WLAN without internet connecton like the Smarter Coffee 1st generation.

    What can I do?

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