This can be caused if the machine is not cleaned regularly and a build-up of coffee can stop the grinder from working as it should.
Please follow the steps below to clean your Smarter coffee machine.
Empty the bean compartment. Do this by tipping the machine on it's side carefully on a clear surface to help get the beans out. This can be hazardous so do be careful and make sure that any liquid in the machine has been emptied before.
Clean the grinder feeder with a pipe cleaner. We advise you do this when the machine is off and you have emptied the bean compartment as it makes it easier to access. You can insert a pipe cleaner from the top of the machine and gently clean the grinder.
Clean the bean door by removing the carafe and opening the filter door. At the top of the opening is a silver door, please use a cloth dampened slightly with only water to gently clean the bean door. Please be careful while cleaning the machine.
Repeat step 2 then test with a brew!
As well as clearing the bean compartment as mentioned above, open the filter cabinet and if you look up you’ll see a silver plate. You need to slide this back carefully and then use a pipe cleaner or something similar to free all the dried grounds. Once you’ve done that, slide the plate back and this should help